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            1. 最全展會,最多服務,最深解讀,就在好展會!



              英文名稱:8th China(Shanghai) International Edible Oil&Olive Oil Industry Expo (2012)
              展會國家:中國 上海
              2012第八屆中國(上海)國際食用油及橄欖油產業博覽會展會概況:Oil Asia
              8th China(Shanghai) International Edible Oil&Olive Oil Ind stry Expo (2012)
              Date:April 9th - 11th , 2012
              Ven e: Shanghai Everbright Exhibition Center,China
              Safe, Healthy, N trition, Green
              Approved by:
              Ministry of Commerce of P。R。China
              S pported by:
              Ministry of Agric lt re,P。R,China
              General Administration of Q ality S pervision,Inspection and Q arantine Of P。R。China
              Sponsored by:
              China Co ncil for the Promotion of International Trade
              Asia Healthcare&N trition Promotive Commission
              Asia Economy Trade&Development Center
              International Olive Oil Ind stry Association
              S pported Media:
              China Food Newspaper Food Q ality Grain Marketting
              Organized by:
              Beijing Haimingh ibo Conference Exhibition Co。,Ltd
              Specially S pported by:
              Spain Embassy Italy Embassy Greece Embassy Spain Foreign Trade B rea
              Port gal Olive Assiciation World Olive Oil Co ncil Italy International Trade
              Comission Fat Research Branch of China Grain Society
              China’s most a thoritative oil, olive oil, p blic service trade cooperation and professional brand-b ilding platform!
              I:Oil Asia Exthibits:
              1。High-end Vegetable Oil: Maize Germ Oil, Olive Oil, S nflower Oil, Camellia Oil, Waln t Oil, Grape Seed Oil, Rice Bran Oil, Flax Seed Oil and other High-end N trition Oil
              2。 Non-genetically Modified Edible Oil: Non-genetically Modified Pean t Oil, Non-genetically Modified Soybean Oil, Non-genetically Modified Blended Oil etc;
              3。 Refining Palm Oil, other N ts Edible Oil etc;
              4。Other N trition and Health Edible Oil: Sesame Oil, Cocon t Oil, Rapeseed oil, Camellia Oil, Apricot Seed Oil, Wheat Germ Oil, Piperales Seed Oil, Month Amaranth Grass Oil, Garlic oil, Perilla Seed Oil, P mpkin Seed Oil, Tomato Seed Oil, Safflower Oil, Deep Sea Fish Oil, Milk Thistle Oil, Cedar Seed Oil, Delicate Cotton Oil, Corn Oil, Canola oil, Pine-Seed Oil, Poppy-Seed Oil, Silkworm P pa Essential Oil, Pomegranate Seed Oil, Lycopene Edible Oil;
              5。 Many kinds of flavored oil,
              6。 Synthesis of high-grade health oil, Synthesis of high-grade n trition oil, high-grade health form la oil
              7。 Vario s oil-bearing crops: Pean t Seed, Soybean, Sesame, S nflower Seed, Rapeseed, Camellia Seed, Waln t, Gaize Germ, Wheat Germ, Perilla seed, Flax seed, Almond, Pine N ts and other special raw materials;
              8。 Oil Eq ipments for: Pressing, Splitting, Transporting, Filling, Packing etc;
              Price List
              I: Booth Price
              Area Dimension Fee
              Raw Space only
              Area T 3m×3m USD3,500 Area T USD350
              Area A 3m×3m USD3,200 Area A USD320
              Notes: A。10% s rcharge for two opening booth;B。 Standard Booth:9㎡exhibition space,2。5m wallboard, lintel plate, a desk, two chairs, a 220V power socket, two daylight lamps, sec rity and cleaning service;C。 Raw space only (area) Fee incl des:exhibition space, sec rity and cleaning service; D。36㎡ is the baseline to rent as raw space,not incl ding the installation fee。E。 Booth arranges order: paid first, served first。
              Project Manager
              Beijing Haimingh ibo Conference Exhibition Co。,Ltd
              Add: Room 1712, B ilding B, Jinhaishangf Fort ne Center, G anq Road No。21, Chaoyang District, Beijing, P。R。China。 100022
              Tel:+86-10-59574734 Fax:+86-10-58850889 Contact:Li Li
              Mobile:+86-15201597140 Email:ll_oilasia@126。com
