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            1. 最全展會,最多服務,最深解讀,就在好展會!



              英文名稱:The 7th Shanghai International Energy-saving & Advanced Building Materials Exhibition
              展會國家:中國 上海
              2011第七屆中國國際建筑節能及新型建材展覽會展會概況:The 7th Shanghai International Energy-saving & Advanced B ilding Materials Exhibition
              Exhibition Period: A g st 16-19, 2011
              Ven e: Shanghai New International Expo Center
              Organizers: Shanghai B ilding Materials Ind stry Association
              World Expo Gro p Shanghai Modern International Exhibition Co。, Ltd。
              S pporters: Shanghai Committee for M nicipal and R ral Constr ction and Comm nication
              Shanghai World Expo (Gro p) Co。, Ltd
              Brief Introd ction:
              How will the eco-b ilding materials and the s stainable constr ction affect o r life after the World Expo Shanghai B ilding Materials Ind stry Association and World Expo Gro p Shanghai Modern International Exhibition Company will co-organize the 7th Shanghai International Constr ction Energy-saving & Advanced B ilding Materials Exhibition。 The show will give yo the answer。 As the biggest, most professional and most infl ential energy-saving materials exhibition, the show conforms to the theme of energy-saving, water-saving, land-saving, materials-saving and environmental protection。 The show exhibits the frontier technology of constr ction energy-saving materials from wall heating materials, new energy reso rces and b ilding controls。
              The last exhibition centralized the best representative brands overseas and domestic, s ch as Saint-Gobain, KNAUF, Lafarge, Owens Corning, Henkel, Dow, BNBM, Wanh a, H ili, Q ick-mix, Caoyang, Dove and Yongli etc。 Expect that, heat preservation system for envelop, green wood residential system, system integrated, energy-saving glasses & shadings, str ct ral materials, solar tility, s n-proof eq ipment and roofing system, etc has also show their new technology in the exhibition。 In heating area, the famo s brands are Noritz, Baxi, N oro, Vaillant, Immergas, Henco, Danfoss, etc。 In green roofing area, the famo s brands are Weida, SOPREMA。 In wooden materials area, the famo s brands are Japan wood gro p, Canada wood gro p, Xiaoy , Meizhi。 According to statistics there were 536 enterprises join this show。 In fo r-day’s exhibition periods, visitors and exhibitors from U。S。A, France, U。K, German, Korea, Japan, A stria, Italy and A stralia showed great interests。 The expo attracted not only the professional domestic and int’l energy-saving enterprises, b t also the constr ction designing instit te, the real estate exploitation merchant, the decoration cooperation, the b ilding constr ction company, the constr ction intendance and management nits, the merchant of eq ipments s pplying to hotel, the stocking branch of government and the principal of constr ction trade & dep tizing company。 That made the exhibition becomes the most professional one in the energy-saving prod cts & technology ind stry so far。
              ⑴ Energy-saving & Ins lation Materials
              □ Constr ction Heating System
              □ Heat Preservation & Ins lation Material
              □ Floor Heating System, Solar Energy and Using of New Energy Reso rces
              □ Energy-saving Windows & Doors
              □ S n-proof System
              □ Roofing System & Roofing greening
              □ Electricity-saving Eq ipment
              □ Energy-saving System of Architect re Pottery
              (2) Green wood residential system
              (3) Water-saving Technology & Eq ipment
              (4) Materials-saving Prod cts & Energy-saving Eq ipments
              □ Advanced Wall Materials
              □Advanced reinforcing steel bar & concrete
              □ Str ct re Material
              □ Making Machinery of Wall Materials
              (5) Land-saving Technology
              Plays an emphasis on the real effectiveness of exhibition
              ⊙ We will organize professional a dience and media's propagandize as o r most importation work。 We also will invite b ilding systems, associations, We will take sef lly steps to make a platform for exhibitors in order to promoting the res lt of technologies′changing and companies′competitive power; o r exhibition will be got attention thro gh a series of propaganda at same time
              Omnibearing promotion
              ⊙ Promoting the exhibition and inviting relative professionals thro gh media channels s ch as TV, newspaper, m ltimedia, ad。 post and broadcast, int’l seminars and specialized exhibitions topic in new energy are also incl ded。
              ⊙ Allocating 500,000 tickets and tho sands of invitation cards to professionals by niq e web channel of organizers and co-organizers。
              ⊙ P blicizing by kinds of famo s newspaper, magazines, professional media and mass media in aspects。
              ⊙Strengthening the comm nication and co-ordination between government departments,enhancing the effect in society and economy extensively。
              ⊙Strengthening the cooperation between each cons late and trade-promoted organization, promoting the international comm nication and cooperation。
              ⊙ Inviting the b yer by modern means s ch as telephone call, Email, fax and so on。
              ⊙ Show pre-review foc ses on the exhibitors and the prod cts。
              ⊙ Free net service on (http://www。expojc。com, http://www。sbmia。org。cn), p blicizing the exhibition completely in order to establish the exhibition stage in internet which is never finished。
              ※Option 1 -- Shell Scheme Package (3M x 3M=9 sqm。)
              Booth price: E1: US$ 2800 per booth E2: US$ 2600 per booth E3: US$ 2500 per booth
              Price incl des exhibition space, fascia board with company name both in English and Chinese, side & back walls, carpeted floor, one information desk, two folding chairs, two spotlights, one 220V/500W power o tlet, daily stand cleaning and basic sec rity。
              ※Option 2 -- Raw Space Only (min 36 sqm。)
              Booth price: E1: US$ 280 per sqm。 E2: US$ 260 per sqm。 E3: US$ 250 per sqm。
              Price incl des exhibition space, free invitation cards for exhibitors to invite key c stomers and free listing in the official show pdates and show directory。
              Please contact with the organizers if yo want more advertisements。
              To maximize the impact and effectiveness of yo r participation, the organizers can provide the following services as optional extras to make yo r participation tro ble-free, cost effective and prod ctive:
              An Exhibitor’s man al incl ding all information and services forms to facilitate yo r participation。
              Company introd ction and prod ct data incl ded in the official show directory witho t charge。
              Providing exhibition- related materials and seminar information, invitation cards, tickets,。
              Assistance to all the booth designs, constr ction of the booth, renting additional f rnit re and electric eq ipment。
              Assistance to all the shipment, accommodation, visa, translation, advertising , etc。
              Shanghai B ilding Materials Ind stry Association Exhibition Center Exhibition Department
              Mr wang
              E-mail: sh_jcexpo@sina。com
              Add: Rm。 1701-02, H aihai Mansion, East tower, No。128 P an Rd。, L wan Dist。, Shanghai, China 200021
