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            1. 最全展會,最多服務,最深解讀,就在好展會!



              英文名稱:The 5th Guangzhou International Fashion Jewelry & Accessories Fair
              展會國家:中國 廣州
              展會地點:Phase C, China Import & Export Fair Pazhou Complex, Guangzhou
              2011年第五屆廣州國際時尚首飾及配飾展覽會展會概況:Welcome to the G angzho Jewelry Fair 2011
              The 5th G angzho International Fashion Jewelry & Accessories Fair
              Held Conc rrently with: The G angzho Silverware & Jewelry Fair 2011
              Date: A g 10-12, 2011
              Ven e: Phase C, China Import & Export Fair Pazho Complex, G angzho
              Approved by: Department of Foreign Trade & Economic Cooperation of G angdong Province
              Sponsored by: G angzho Xingh i Trade Exhibition Co。, Ltd。
              Strategic Partners: Nan F ng China Limited---La Vendome, Zhejiang Provincial Fashion Jewelry Ind stry Association
              Exhibit Scope:
              Fashion Jewelry: Non-precio s metal jewelry, imitation jewelry, gilded and silvered jewelry, artificial diamond jewelry, enamel jewelry, pearl jewelry, shell ornamentation, silver jewelry, crystal & glass jewelry, ceramic jewelry, plastic jewelry, nat ral material jewelry, bead jewelry, other ornamentation。
              Fashion Accessories: Head ornaments, fashion watches, s nglasses, plastrons, badges, brooches & b ttons, fashion handbags, leather belts & accessories, fashion hanging ornaments, fashion prod cts。
              Ornamentation Materials & Accessories: Synthetic jewel, imitation jewel, semi-finished jewel, beads, nat ral materials, metal jewelry accessories, related materials & accessories。
              Other: Display goods, packing prod cts, jewelry props, jewelry processing & technology, jewelry design, electronic trade and related media。
              For more information, please contact:
              G angzho Xingh i Trade Exhibition Co。, Ltd。
              Address: Room 3101, H angchao Tower, Nantian Plaza, No。3 H acheng Road, Zh jiang New Town, G angzho
              Contact: Cherry Li
              Tel: +8620 3825 0412  3825 0413
              Fax: +8620 3825 0932
              E-mail:xingh i13@gzxingh i。com
              http://www。gzxingh i。com

              Welcome to the Guangzhou Jewelry Fair 2011
              The 5th Guangzhou International Fashion Jewelry & Accessories Fair
              For more information, please contact:
              Guangzhou Xinghui Trade Exhibition Co., Ltd.
              Address: Room 3101, Huangchao Tower, Nantian Plaza, No.3 Huacheng Road, Zhujiang New Town, Guangzhou
              Contact: Cherry Liu
              Tel: +8620 3825 0412  3825 0413
              Fax: +8620 3825 0932
