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            1. 最全展會,最多服務,最深解讀,就在好展會!



              時間:2011-09-26   來源:www.saiyategy.com   

              答:AUTOMEC - International Trade Fair for Autoparts, Equipments and Services is de meeting point of the replacement industry, and a leader event in Latin America. At a single place, the market of automotive replacement presents at AUTOMEC innovations and solutions for the segment of parts, accessories and tuning, rebuilding and maintenance, IT and management.
              “巴西圣保羅國際汽車零配件展覽會”(AUTOMEC)是南美地區規模大、專業性強的大型國際展覽盛會,每兩年在圣保羅國際展覽中心(Anhembi Park Exhibition Hall)舉辦一次。該展會由巴西汽車配件協會、圣保羅汽車配件協會和巴西汽車修理協會等主辦,巴西機械制造商協會(ALCANTARA MACHADO FEIRAS DE NEGOCIOS LTDA)承辦。上一屆展會有來自世界36個國家和地區的1550多家專業廠商展示了他們最新的汽配產品,其中巴西本國參展的專業廠商有800多家,外國專業廠商750多家。展館實際展出面積近80000平方米。展覽期間總參觀人數達15萬人次,其中專業及貿易人士有10多萬。據展會資料統計,有5000多名參觀者來自巴西境外,展會期間貿易額達15億美元,參展商對該展的展出效果均表示滿意。
              AUTOMEC is the ideal platform to promote products and services to an important business generating pole; a great opportunity to present market trends; an excellent strategy to propel sales; to strengthen the image of trademarks, quality and services; to analyze your competitors and conquer new client; and to reinforce the relationship with qualified buyers and visitors from Brasil and abroad.
              Automec profile
              11th International Trade Fair for Autoparts, Equipments and Services

              Date: April, 2013
              Opening hours: Tuesday

