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            1. 最全展會,最多服務,最深解讀,就在好展會!


              時間:2011-09-16   來源:www.saiyategy.com   

              答:國際展覽與項目協會(International Association of Exhibitions and Events)成立于1928年,代表了展銷會、博覽會組織者的利益,是目前全球會展行業協會的旗幟。今天國際展覽與項目協會代表了來自58個國家的將近7000個個人和1400多個組織。這些個人和組織發起或承辦各種展覽會、交易會以及其他相關項目,而國際展覽與項目協會則致力于拉近買方個買方的距離,提供渠道、促成合作。國際展覽與項目協會分別在北京、布魯塞爾、新加坡和達拉斯設有辦事處,總部設于美國達拉斯。該協會與UFI在國際展覽界均享有盛譽,被認為是目前關于國際展覽業重要的行業協作組織,兩者現已結成全球戰略伙伴,共同促進國際會展業的發展與繁榮。在中國,國際展覽與項目協會與中國國際貿易促進委員會通力合作所提出的展會管理認證是一個享有盛譽的專業認證。曾先后有300多個國內會展業的專業機構獲得CEM稱號并且更多的組織或個人在學習CEM。并且,國際展覽與項目協會還以中英雙語提供出版物和重要的信息。每一年,國際展覽與項目協會都會在中國舉辦數期研討會,為成員提供補充知識、增長技能的機會以便夯實基礎。
                Organized in 1928 to represent the interests of tradeshow and exposition managers, the International Association of Exhibitions and Events is today the leading association for the global exhibition industry. Today IAEE represents nearly 7,000 individuals and 1,400 organizations in 58 nations who conduct and support exhibitions, trade fairs and similar events that are intended to bring buyers and sellers together. IAEE has offices in Beijing, Brussels, Singapore and Dallas. In China, IAEE and CCPIT collaborate to present the highly acclaimed Certified In Exhibition Management (CEM) professional designation. Almost 300 Chinese exhibition industry professionals have earned the CEM designation and many more are involved in CEM studies. IAEE also provides important information and publications both in English and Mandarin. Each year IAEE presents several seminars in China to provide our members with opportunities to enhance their knowledge and skills.

